
Heavenly Angels Spiritualist Church

Uniting Hearts, Nurturing Souls and Embracing Spirits

Our Services are held every Wednesday evening – doors open at 7 p.m. for 7.30 p.m. service.

We have a different Medium each week who gives amazing messages to our congregation from our loved ones in spirit, proving that they are still around us always.

Entrance is £3.00 per person, payable on the door, which includes entry to our weekly raffle – reservations are not required.

Anyone over the age of 14 years is welcome to join us.

Refreshments are also available before the service.

Upcoming Events

May 24'

Wednesday 1st:                        Tracey Gee

Wednesday 8th:                      Alison Roadway

Wednesday 15th:                     PSYCHIC SUPPER EVENT (SOLD OUT!)

Wednesday 22nd:                   Rod Beech

Wednesday 29th:                    Lynda Wakefield

June 24'

Wednesday 5th:                       Dave Emery & Jeanette Westwood

Wednesday 12th:                      Jane Hodgetts

Wednesday 19th:                      Ruth Jones

Wednesday 26th:                     Cheryl Young

Our Testimonies

MB – A lovely service and thank you so much for my message

HS – Thank you for my 2 messages, they were both very appropriate at the moment

CE – Brilliant evening once again

HJ – Amazing! Spot on with my message

TB – So amazing! I really needed those messages, and they came at a perfect time

JA – Thank you for my message, so apt at the moment – such beautiful energy in the Church, thank you so much

CT - Excellent evening, good evidence and lots of laughter and tears

JC – Such fun and laughter!

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